National Gambling Awareness Month is March 2018

This year we have partnered with the DOJ to help increase awareness and will be distributing coasters to highlight the councils services across the state. Here is a picture of what they will look like.Gambling-Awareness-Month-coaster-2018.pdf

Gov. Steve Bullock recognizes March as "National Problem Gambling Awareness Month" in the State of Montana.
Here is the letter for review:Problem-Gambling-Month-Gov-letter-2018..pdf

National Gambling Awareness Month is March 2017

Gov. Steve Bullock recognizes March as "National Problem Gambling Awareness Month" in the State of Montana.
Here is the letter for review: Gambling-Awareness-Month-Letter-2017.pdf

31st  Annual Conference for the National Council on Problem Gambling will be July 21-22, 2017  in Portland Oregon

Gambling in the workplace:

Just a generation ago, legal gambling was largely confined and problem gamblers were viewed as societal misfits.  Now gambling is part of our mainstream culture and we know that most problem gamblers are ordinary hard working people.

Gambling in the Family:

Problem gambling adversely affects the family of the gambler in a number of ways because of the problem gambler's altered behavior, dishonesty and manipulation.

Student Gambling:

If you suspect your student has a gambling problem.

Myths and Facts about Problem Gambling:

Here are some of the popular myths and facts about problem gamblers.

Senior Gambling:

Gambling, or playing a game of chance for money or other stakes, has become a popular activity for people of many ages—and seniors are no exception.

Ten Rules of Responsible Gambing:

Here are ten rules of gambling responsibly.

For Parents-Signs of Problems in Youth:

For Parents-Signs of a possible gambling problem in youth.


For Educators-Possible gambling problems in students

Teen Gamblers:

Teen Gambling problems. 


Information in Spanish.